
buildings management and engineering section معنى

  • قسم إدارة المباني والشؤون الهندسية
  • buildings    أبني; ابني; المبان ...
  • management    n. إدارة, تدبير, ه ...
  • and    conj. واو العطف, أ ...
  • engineering    n. هندسة, وجه; هَن ...
  • engineering section    القسم الهندسي
  • section    n. فرق, قطعة, قسم, ...

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. buildings associated with crimes معنى
  2. buildings at fordham university معنى
  3. buildings at the university of manchester معنى
  4. buildings in canada by heritage register معنى
  5. buildings in new york city timeline معنى
  6. buildings management section معنى
  7. buildings management unit معنى
  8. buildings of justinian i معنى
  9. buildings of mehmed the conqueror معنى
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